UCCCB to Celebrate International Microorganism Day 2024 with ‘Speed Dating with Microorganisms’ Experience

The UCCCB will participate in the 8th edition of the International Microorganism Day, to be celebrated on 17th September 2024, joining the captivating ‘Speed Dating with Microorganisms’ event held at UC Exploratório – Ciência Viva Coimbra in the weekend before the commemoration day (14th and 15th September).

Essential for solving many of the major problems faced by society today, microorganisms are at the heart of the program taking place on September 14 and 15, 2024, from 10:00 AM to 1:00 PM and from 2:00 PM to 6:00 PM, with free entry for the public and featuring various activities, such as ‘Speed Dating with Microorganisms’, aimed at promoting encounters with microbiologists involved in different research projects.

This program, developed in collaboration with the Center for Mechanical Engineering, Materials and Processes (CEMMPRE) and Vasco da Gama University School, includes an open day at the central exhibition of UC Exploratório, ‘VIRAL – a contagious exhibition’. On Sunday, September 15, admission will be free for all visitors, who will be able to participate in interactive exploration games, quizzes, and observe microorganisms under a microscope. Additionally, the online exhibition ‘Pet Microorganisms’ will be available through the UC Exploratório website.

Moreover, on 17th September 2024, UCCCB also extended its reach by taking part in the live-stream event for the YouTube channel of the Portuguese Society of Microbiology ‘Conexões (Luso)Microbianas’. The event is organized by the University of Coimbra, in collaboration with the Institute of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine of the Nova University of Lisbon (IHMT) and the Rede Lusófona de Microbiologia (Lusophone Network of Microbiology). The latter represents a cooperation agreement between different Higher Education and research institutions from Portuguese-speaking countries and regions. In addition to the University of Coimbra, the Rede Lusófona de Microbiologia is currently composed of 10 other entities: University of Cape Verde [Cape Verde], Eduardo Mondlane University [Mozambique], Rovuma University [Mozambique], Polytechnic University [Mozambique], Agostinho Neto University [Angola], University of São Paulo [Brazil], State University of Santa Catarina [Brazil], Embrapa Agrobiology – National Center for Agricultural Research [Brazil], Federal University of Rio de Janeiro [Brazil], and University of Science and Technology of Macau [China].The conference is also part of the national event promoted by the Portuguese Society of Microbiology.